Elasticsearch Interpreter for Apache Zeppelin


Elasticsearch is a highly scalable open-source full-text search and analytics engine. It allows you to store, search, and analyze big volumes of data quickly and in near real time. It is generally used as the underlying engine/technology that powers applications that have complex search features and requirements.


Property Default Description
elasticsearch.cluster.name elasticsearch Cluster name
elasticsearch.host localhost Host of a node in the cluster
elasticsearch.port 9300 Connection port ( Important: it depends on the client type, transport or http)
elasticsearch.client.type transport The type of client for Elasticsearch (transport or http)( Important: the port depends on this value)
elasticsearch.basicauth.username Username for a basic authentication (http)
elasticsearch.basicauth.password Password for a basic authentication (http)
elasticsearch.result.size 10 The size of the result set of a search query
![Interpreter configuration](/docs/0.12.0/assets/themes/zeppelin/img/docs-img/elasticsearch-config.png)

Note #1 : You can add more properties to configure the Elasticsearch client.

Note #2 : If you use Shield, you can add a property named shield.user with a value containing the name and the password ( format: username:password ). For more details about Shield configuration, consult the Shield reference guide. Do not forget, to copy the shield client jar in the interpreter directory (ZEPPELIN_HOME/interpreters/elasticsearch).

Enabling the Elasticsearch Interpreter

In a notebook, to enable the Elasticsearch interpreter, click the Gear icon and select Elasticsearch.

Using the Elasticsearch Interpreter

In a paragraph, use %elasticsearch to select the Elasticsearch interpreter and then input all commands. To get the list of available commands, use help.


Elasticsearch interpreter:
General format: <command> /<indices>/<types>/<id> <option> <JSON>
  - indices: list of indices separated by commas (depends on the command)
  - types: list of document types separated by commas (depends on the command)
  - search /indices/types <query>
    . indices and types can be omitted (at least, you have to provide '/')
    . a query is either a JSON-formatted query, nor a lucene query
  - size <value>
    . defines the size of the result set (default value is in the config)
    . if used, this command must be declared before a search command
  - count /indices/types <query>
    . same comments as for the search
  - get /index/type/id
  - delete /index/type/id
  - index /index/type/id <json-formatted document>
    . the id can be omitted, elasticsearch will generate one

Tip : Use ( Ctrl + . ) for autocompletion.


With the get command, you can find a document by id. The result is a JSON document.

get /index/type/id

Example: Elasticsearch - Get


With the search command, you can send a search query to Elasticsearch. There are two formats of query:

  • You can provide a JSON-formatted query, that is exactly what you provide when you use the REST API of Elasticsearch.
  • You can also provide the content of a query_string.
    • This is a shortcut to a query like that: { "query": { "query_string": { "query": "__HERE YOUR QUERY__", "analyze_wildcard": true } } }
    • See Elasticsearch query string syntax for more details about the content of such a query.
search /index1,index2,.../type1,type2,...  <JSON document containing the query or query_string elements>

If you want to modify the size of the result set, you can add a line that is setting the size, before your search command.

size 50
search /index1,index2,.../type1,type2,...  <JSON document containing the query or query_string elements>

A search query can also contain aggregations. If there is at least one aggregation, the result of the first aggregation is shown, otherwise, you get the search hits.


  • With a JSON query:
  search / { "query": { "match_all": { } } }

  search /logs { "query": { "query_string": { "query": "request.method:GET AND status:200" } } }

  search /logs { "aggs": {
    "content_length_stats": {
      "extended_stats": {
        "field": "content_length"
  } }
  • With query_string elements:
  search /logs request.method:GET AND status:200

  search /logs (404 AND (POST OR DELETE))

Important : a document in Elasticsearch is a JSON document, so it is hierarchical, not flat as a row in a SQL table. For the Elastic interpreter, the result of a search query is flattened.

Suppose we have a JSON document:

  "date": "2015-12-08T21:03:13.588Z",
  "request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "url": "/zeppelin/4cd001cd-c517-4fa9-b8e5-a06b8f4056c4",
    "headers": [ "Accept: *.*", "Host: apache.org"]
  "status": "403",
  "content_length": 1234

The data will be flattened like this:

content_length date request.headers[0] request.headers[1] request.method request.url status
1234 2015-12-08T21:03:13.588Z Accept: *.* Host: apache.org GET /zeppelin/4cd001cd-c517-4fa9-b8e5-a06b8f4056c4 403


  • With a table containing the results: Elasticsearch - Search - table

  • You can also use a predefined diagram: Elasticsearch - Search - diagram

  • With a JSON query: Elasticsearch - Search with query

  • With a JSON query containing a fields parameter (for filtering the fields in the response): in this case, all the fields values in the response are arrays, so, after flattening the result, the format of all the field names is field_name[x] Elasticsearch - Search with query and a fields param

  • With a query string: Elasticsearch - Search with query string

  • With a query containing a multi-value metric aggregation: Elasticsearch - Search with aggregation (multi-value metric)

  • With a query containing a multi-bucket aggregation: Elasticsearch - Search with aggregation (multi-bucket)


With the count command, you can count documents available in some indices and types. You can also provide a query.

count /index1,index2,.../type1,type2,... <JSON document containing the query OR a query string>


  • Without query: Elasticsearch - Count

  • With a query: Elasticsearch - Count with query


With the index command, you can insert/update a document in Elasticsearch.

index /index/type/id <JSON document>

index /index/type <JSON document>


With the delete command, you can delete a document.

delete /index/type/id

Apply Zeppelin Dynamic Forms

You can leverage Zeppelin Dynamic Form inside your queries. You can use both the text input and select form parameterization features.

size ${limit=10}
search /index/type { "query": { "match_all": { } } }