What is Apache Zeppelin?
Multi-purpose notebook which supports
20+ language backends
- Data Ingestion
- Data Discovery
- Data Transformation
- Data Analytics
- Data Visualization & Collaboration

Quick Start
- Install for basic instructions on installing Apache Zeppelin
- Explore UI: basic components of Apache Zeppelin home
- Tutorial
- Spark with Zeppelin
- SQL with Zeppelin
- Python with Zeppelin
- Dynamic Form
- What is Dynamic Form: a step by step guide for creating dynamic forms
- Display System
- Interpreter
- Overview: what is interpreter group? how can you set interpreters in Apache Zeppelin?
- User Impersonation when you want to run interpreter as end user
- Interpreter Binding Mode when you want to manage separate interpreter contexts
- Dependency Management when you include external libraries to interpreter
- Installing Interpreters: Install not only community managed interpreters but also 3rd party interpreters
- Execution Hooks to specify additional code to be executed by an interpreter at pre and post-paragraph code execution
- Other Features:
- Publishing Paragraphs results into your external website
- Personalized Mode
- Customizing Zeppelin Homepage with one of your notebooks
- Notebook actions
- Zeppelin-Context
- REST API: available REST API list in Apache Zeppelin
- Zeppelin SDK: Java API of Zeppelin Client
- Basics
- Deployment
- Security: available security support in Apache Zeppelin
- Notebook Storage: a guide about saving notebooks to external storage
- Operation
- Configuration: lists for Apache Zeppelin
- Monitoring: monitoring instructions for Apache Zeppelin
- Proxy Setting
- Upgrading: a manual procedure of upgrading Apache Zeppelin version
- Trouble Shooting
Developer Guide
- Extending Zeppelin
- Contributing to Zeppelin
Available Interpreters
- Alluxio
- BigQuery
- Cassandra
- Elasticsearch
- Flink
- Groovy
- HBase
- Hive
- influxDB
- Java
- Jupyter
- Livy
- Mahout
- Markdown
- MongoDB
- Neo4j
- Postgresql, HAWQ
- Python
- R
- Shell
- Spark
- Sparql
- Submarine