Apache Zeppelin Release 0.11.0
The Apache Zeppelin community is pleased to announce the availability of the 0.11.0 release.
The community put significant effort into improving Apache Zeppelin since the last release.
253 tickets are resolved including some security issues. You can visit issue tracker for full list of issues that are resolved.
We encourage to download the latest release. Feedback through the mailing lists is very welcome.
Major Changes
- Support on JDK 11 by default
- Support on Apache Spark 3.5.0, Apaceh Flink 1.17, and Python 3.9
This release would not be possible without the following community members' contributions:
- Alex(sashashura)
- Ankit Prakash Gupta(infoankitp)
- Arnout Engelen(raboof)
- Bagus Nugroho Budi Nurtomo(BagusThanatos)
- bjw(baezzys)
- Calvin Canh Tran(canhtran)
- Changhoon Oh(okayhooni)
- Cheng Pan(pan3793)
- dntjr8096(dntjr8096)
- Gibaek Nam(gbnam)
- Guanhua Li(huage1994)
- HelenParr(HelenParr)
- iiusky(iiiusky)
- In-Kyu Kim(inkkim)
- Jeff Zhang(zjffdu)
- Jongyoul Lee(jongyoul)
- JooYoungHun(jooyounghun)
- jshjsh06(jshjsh06)
- Junhyoung Kim(nelljun)
- Juyeon(proceane)
- Khanh Vu(vtkhanh)
- KIM NAMGUE(soicem)
- Kristin Cowalcijk(Kontinuation)
- Lee Byonghun(Tolluset)
- Lee(PeterAlfredLee)
- Leomax_Sun(saLeox)
- levi0090(levi0090)
- Lu Gan(ganlute)
- Maksim Zinal(zinal)
- Manhua(kevinjmh)
- Matthias Koch(matthias-koch)
- Maziyar Panahi(maziyarpanahi)
- Michal Vince(zlosim)
- mrzhao(zhaomoran)
- Naveen(naveensrinivasan)
- Paul Zhang(paul8263)
- Philipp Dallig(Reamer)
- Phong Nguyen(phongnt)
- PJ Fanning(pjfanning)
- qinbo12(qinbo12)
- Shefali Singh(shefali163)
- Sujin(kkoldduck2)
- Thai Tran(tranvanthai)
- Willow.yun(윌로)(PrimWILL)
- Xie Yi(xieyi888)
- yaini(yaini)
- YiningGong(NicolasGong)
- Yubi Lee(eubnara)
- youshaojun(youshaojun)
- zkyTech(zkytech)
- Zoltan Holoda(zholoda)
- zzm(xiaomin0322)
- 诸葛子房(zhugezifang)
- 김민수(SIOUkoeran)
- 조원형(JoWonHyeung)